# Filename: progbar-timer.sh
# Version: 110212
# Author: robz
# Improved from the "Egg Timer" script, a countdown timer with progress bar.
# This one has an indication of time remaining provided by Zenity's progress
# bar function. As usual you'll need to find a sound and icon for the variables
# below, you might find the icon variable is correct, check the directory.
ICON=/usr/share/app-install/icons/kalarm.png # Existing icon?
SOUND=$HOME/Audio/2tone.wav # Your sound pref.
COUNT=$(zenity --title "Egg Timer" --window-icon $ICON --text "No decimals"\
--entry-text "eg. 10s or 5m or 2h" --entry) # Input dialogue.
if [ $? = 1 ]; then exit $?; fi
# Determine number of seconds to count down from depending on input suffix.
case "${COUNT: -1}" in
"S" | "s" ) COUNT=$(echo $COUNT | sed -s "s/[Ss]//") ;;
"M" | "m" ) COUNT=$(echo $COUNT | sed -s "s/[Mm]//"); ((COUNT*=60)) ;;
"H" | "h" ) COUNT=$(echo $COUNT | sed -s "s/[Hh]//"); ((COUNT*=3600)) ;;
* ) zenity --error --text "<span color=\"red\"><b>\
\nUse the form of 10s or 5m or 2h\nNo decimals allowed either.</b></span>"
sh -c "$0" # On error restart.
exit ;;
START=$COUNT # Set a start point.
until [ "$COUNT" -eq "0" ]; do # Countdown loop.
((COUNT-=1)) # Decrement seconds.
PERCENT=$((100-100*COUNT/START)) # Calc percentage.
echo "#Time remaining$(echo "obase=60;$COUNT" | bc)" # Convert to H:M:S.
echo $PERCENT # Outut for progbar.
sleep 1
done | zenity --title "Egg Timer" --progress --percentage=0 --text=""\
--window-icon=$ICON --auto-close # Progbar/time left.
if [ $? = 1 ]; then exit $?; fi
notify-send -i $ICON "Egg Timer > ## TIMES UP ##" # Attention finish!
/usr/bin/canberra-gtk-play --volume 4 -f $SOUND # Ding-dong finish!
zenity --notification --window-icon="$ICON"\
--text "Egg Timer > ## TIMES UP ##" # Indicate finished!
love this!
Thanks Nye, your appreciation is appreciated.
Best and simple timer for my Ubuntu.
Is possible to put the cont down time in window title, so i will see in taskbar the time remaining?
Sorry Anon but I use Ubuntu 12.10 with the Unity desktop, ie. no taskbar. As far as I can tell Zenity draws it's main window and title once and then just updates the contents within that window.
A few things I like to mention:
You don't need an absolute path for the icon. Something like "alarm" should be sufficient.
Instead of "/usr/bin/canberra-gtk-play" I suggest to use "aplay".
Can't make it run in ubuntu 1404
line 21: "case" is a bad substitution, it says.
Hi rho, not yet running 14.04 still on 13.10 and it runs ok on this, can't help you yet sorry.
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