# Filename: mypvr.sh
# Version: 081211
# Author: robz
# This script uses http://ezrss.it to check for the lastest episodes of your
# favorite tv shows, which you'll have listed in the "followed-shows" file.
# Run mypvr.sh from your chosen directory. First, the above list file will be
# set up, once this is done the script can be controlled via a crontab or on
# PC startup, or both. Here's a crontab to check for new shows every 2 hours.
# 25 */2 * * * export DISPLAY=:0 && /$HOME/PVR/mypvr.sh >/dev/null 2>&1
# Selected .torrent trackers will be sent to your "Downloads" directory ready
# to be picked up by "Transmission" gui/daemon or any other client that can be
# set to auto-load from a monitored directory.
SHOW_NAME_EXACT="" # Allow some search leeway.
QUALITY="hdtv" # HDTV standard quality.
QUALITY_EXACT="true" # Only hdtv not 720p - no huge files.
DWNLDS="$HOME/Downloads" # Default Downloads, change if you like.
green="<span color=\"#008000\">" # Green ok! :p
func_form_url () # Create web search url.
cd "$(dirname "$0")" # Do cd to "mypvr.sh" dir.
trap "rm -f "newlist" "urllist"; exit" \
INT TERM EXIT # Clean up cruft on close.
if [ ! -e "donelist" ]; then touch donelist; fi # Check donelist exists.
if [ ! -e "followed-shows" ]; then # Check shows list exists.
cat > followed-shows << EOF
# Type the names of tv shows to be followed into this list.
# Hash commented, like this line, and blank lines will be ignored.
# To stop a show search, comment "#" the line or delete it :)
#Terra Nova < examples, delete and replace with yours.
# End of list - a blank line is required above this line.
gedit followed-shows # Edit new shows list.
exit; fi
while read SHOW_NAME; do # Read followed-shows list.
if [[ "${SHOW_NAME:0:1}" != "#" && -n "$SHOW_NAME" ]]; then
SHOW_NAME=$(echo "$SHOW_NAME" | sed -e 's/ \+/+/g')
func_form_url # Create custom url.
# Get web pages for shows, take episode at top of page - newest.
wget -q --random-wait -O - $WEBSITE |\
egrep -om1 "http:.*.torrent" >> urllist
done < followed-shows # Feed followed-shows.
sort -u urllist > newlist # De-dupe, make copy.
# Whittle away the URL bumf for a naked "newlist".
sed -i 's#http:/[^",]*/##' newlist
sed -i 's/\([Ee][0-9][0-9]\)\+.*/\1/' newlist # S01E02 - s01e02.
sed -i 's/\([Xx][0-9][0-9]\)\+.*/\1/' newlist # 1X02 - 1x02 - 01X02.
#sed -i 's/\([0-9][0-9][0-9]\)\+.*/\1/' newlist # 102 ? (V2009)?! aah!
sed -i '/torrent/d' newlist # Remove strays.
sort newlist -o newlist # Sort stripped list.
NEW=$(comm --check-order -23 newlist donelist) # Compare new/existing.
if [ -z "$NEW" ]; then exit; fi # $tring null? then exit.
for LINE in $NEW; do SEL+=" TRUE $LINE"; done # Prepend entries "TRUE".
# Option for 10 mins to choose/cancel or it auto-downloads all new trackers.
CHOOSE=$(zenity --title "PVR" --timeout 600 --width 300 --height 225 \
--list --text "$green""There are new TV episodes available</span>" \
--checklist --column " #" --column "Download torrent trackers for:" $SEL)
if [ "$EXITCCODE" = 1 ] || [[ "$EXITCODE" = 0 && -z "$CHOOSE" ]]; then
exit # Null entry or cancel.
elif [ -z "$CHOOSE" ]; then # $CHOOSE empty, use $NEW.
CHOOSE=$(echo $NEW | sed 's/ */|/g') # Add "|" egrep delimiters.
zenity --notification --text "Auto download of latest TV trackers"\
& disown
timeout 60 \
wget --quiet --no-clobber --random-wait --directory-prefix=$DWNLDS \
--input-file=$(egrep $(echo $CHOOSE) urllist) # Go "wget" the trackers.
CHOOSE=$(echo "$CHOOSE" | sed 's/|/ /g') # Strip delimiters.
# If tracker has downloaded correctly, make entry to "donelist".
for LINE in $CHOOSE; do
if [ $(ls "$DWNLDS" | grep $LINE) ]; then echo "$LINE" >> donelist
elif [ -z $PID ]; then zenity --notification\
--text="`echo -e "One or more trackers has failed to download.\
\nNext try is scheduled for $(date --date='+2 hours' +%H:25) hours."`"\
& disown
PID=$! # Just one notification.
sort donelist -o donelist # Sort new "donelist".
notify-send -i '/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/transmission.svg' \
"Tracker files downloaded" "$(ls "$DWNLDS" | grep "\.torrent")" &
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