Yahoo page which was parsed for information has changed. Go to this link: for details of Conky weather
scripts that could be substituted.
# Conky configuration script.
# Filename: conkyrc
# Version: 281211
# Author: robz
# Standard Conky variables setup followed after "TEXT" by OSD config
# Restart script - killall conky; conky -d -c <path to .conkyrc>
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
own_window yes
own_window_type normal # desktop normal dock override
own_window_transparent yes
double_buffer yes
background yes
use_xft yes
xftfont Sans:size=9
xftalpha 1
update_interval 2
total_run_times 0
minimum_size 200 400
maximum_width 200
draw_shades no
draw_outline no
draw_borders no
draw_graph_borders no
alignment tr # top right
gap_x 5
gap_y 30
no_buffers yes
uppercase no
cpu_avg_samples 2
override_utf8_locale yes
text_buffer_size 450
default_bar_size 200 4
default_shade_color CDCDCD # pale grey
default_outline_color 000000 # black
default_color 8B8B8B # mid grey
color1 8B8B8B # mid grey
color2 FF0000 # red
color3 CDCDCD # pale grey
color4 8B8B8B # mid grey
color5 FFCC33 # yellow
### Stuff after "TEXT" will appear onscreen ###
${image $HOME/.conky/logo-ubuntu-noir3c.png -p 5,5 -s 190x62}
${voffset 30}${tab 80}$kernel
${voffset 10}Session Uptime:${alignr} ${uptime_short}
${voffset -5}${color1}${hr}${color}
Forecast for ${time %A}
${execpi 1200 $HOME/.scripts/conky_scripts/weatherscript}
${color}${voffset -4}${color1}${hr}${color}${if_running guayadeque}
Guayadeque Now Playing:${color5}
${alignc}${exec qdbus org.mpris.guayadeque /\
Player org.freedesktop.MediaPlayer.GetMetadata | grep title | cut -f2- -d" "}
${alignc}${exec qdbus org.mpris.guayadeque /\
Player org.freedesktop.MediaPlayer.GetMetadata | grep artist | cut -f2- -d" "}
${execbar $HOME/.scripts/conky_scripts/guayadeque-progbar}
${voffset -5}${color1}${hr}${color}${else}
Music Player:
${alignc}**Put Some Music On Rob!**
${color1}${voffset -4}${hr}${color}${endif}${font}
Wired Connection ADSL: ppp0${if_up ppp0}
${font Pizza Dude Bullets}T ${font}${downspeed ppp0}${goto 106}\
${font Pizza Dude Bullets}N ${font}${upspeed ppp0}${font}
Downloaded:${alignr}${totaldown ppp0}
Uploaded:${alignr}${totalup ppp0}
Today Actual:${alignr}${execi 120 vnstat -i ppp0 | \
awk '/today/{print $8 $9}'}
Today Estimated:${alignr}${execi 120 vnstat -i ppp0 | \
awk '/estimated/{getline;print $8 $9}' | xargs}
Total Month:${alignr}${execi 120 vnstat -m -i ppp0 | \
grep "`date +"%b '%y"`" | awk '{print $9 $10}'}${else}
${color2}${alignc}**Hardline not connected**${color}${endif}
${voffset -4}${hr}
Wireless Connection: wlan0${if_up wlan0}
${font Pizza Dude Bullets}T ${font}${downspeed wlan0}${goto 106}\
${font Pizza Dude Bullets}N ${font}${upspeed wlan0}${font}
Downloaded:${alignr}${totaldown wlan0}
Uploaded:${alignr}${totalup wlan0}
Total Today:${alignr}${execi 120 vnstat -i wlan0 | \
grep "today" | awk '{print $8 $9}'}
Total Month:${alignr}${execi 120 vnstat -m -i wlan0| \
grep "`date +"%b '%y"`" | awk '{print $9 $10}'}${else}
${alignc}**Wireless not connected**${endif}
${voffset -4}${color1}${hr}${color}
PSAD top attackers: pkts sent
${execi 120 awk 'NF && !/#/ { print $1"\t\t\t\t"$3 | "sort -rnk2" }' \
/var/log/psad/top_attackers | head -4}
${voffset -4}${color1}${hr}${color}
Load Average:${alignr}${loadavg}
Processes:${alignr}${running_processes} Running
Disk Activity In/Out:${alignr}${diskio}/s
${if_match ${cpu cpu0} > 95}${color2}High CPU Activity: $alignr\
${cpu cpu0}.00%${else}CPU Activity:$alignr${cpu cpu0}.00%${endif}${color}
${top name 1} ${alignr}${top pid 1} ${alignr}${top cpu 1}%
${top name 2} ${alignr}${top pid 2} ${alignr}${top cpu 2}%
${top name 3} ${alignr}${top pid 3} ${alignr}${top cpu 3}%
${top name 4} ${alignr}${top pid 4} ${alignr}${top cpu 4}%
${color}${voffset -6}${color1}${hr}${color}
CPU Fan Speed RPM:\
$alignr${execi 30 echo $(sensors | grep -m 1 'fan1' | cut -c13-16)}
Case Fan Speed RPM:\
$alignr${execi 30 echo $(sensors | grep -m 1 'fan2' | cut -c13-16)}
CPU Average Temp:\
$alignr${execi 30 echo $(sensors | grep -m 1 'temp1' | cut -c15-16)°C}
CPU Core 0 Temp:\
$alignr${execi 10 echo $(sensors | grep -A 1 'Core' | cut -c15-16)°C}
$alignr${execi 30 echo $(sensors | grep -m 1 'temp2' | cut -c15-16)°C}
Ubuntu OS 1TB Drive:$alignr${execi 30 \
hddtemp /dev/disk/by-uuid/cb16f55e-caf7-4d9e-9274-b789ea889dab | cut -c71-75}
Ext4Backup 1TB Drive:$alignr${execi 30 \
hddtemp /dev/disk/by-uuid/a8f83f64-c120-43c7-b546-62c11961160c | cut -c71-75}
WinXP OS 160GB Drive:$alignr${execi 30 \
hddtemp /dev/disk/by-uuid/E8F0F168F0F13D7E | cut -c54-58}
${color}${voffset -4}${color1}${hr}${color}
RAM Total: $memmax${alignr}$memperc%
Swap Partition: $swapmax$alignr$swapperc%
Ubuntu OS: ${fs_size /}${alignr}${fs_used_perc /}%
${fs_bar /}${if_existing /media/Ext4Backup}
Ext4Backup: ${fs_size /media/Ext4Backup}\
${alignr}${fs_used_perc /media/Ext4Backup}%
${fs_bar /media/Ext4Backup}${alignr}${endif}\
${if_existing /media/E8F0F168F0F13D7E}
WinXP OS: ${fs_size /media/E8F0F168F0F13D7E}\
${alignr}${fs_used_perc /media/E8F0F168F0F13D7E}%
${fs_bar /media/E8F0F168F0F13D7E}${alignr}${endif}
Ubuntu logo graphic:
Weather Script:
# Derived from: Pogodynka 0.4
# With recognition and many thanks to:
# Pawel "azhag" Sadkowski <>
# Filename: weatherscript
# Version: 281211
# Author: robz
## Take special note of: #######
# Default browser for this script, "apt-get install w3m" #######
# Below is in Conky layout format, alter to suit #######
# It's all on one line so check after you copy/paste ######
FORMAT="%ASOF\n%STATE\nUV: %UVIN\nTemp %HILO\n%TEMPICON\${goto 148}\${voffset -47}%ICON\${voffset -49}\${goto 29}Temp now: %TEMP\n\${goto 29}Feels like: %FTEMP\n\${goto 29}Dew polnt: %DEW\n\${goto 29}Humidity: %HMDT\n\${voffset 4}%PRSSR\nVisability is approx: %VIS\nWind speed: %WIND\nSunrises: 0%SUNRS and Sets: %SUNST"
# Range for low/medium/high temperature icons
# Temperatures in °C only #######
## check if weather server is available
if ! ping -c1 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
## It's not, finish
echo ' **Service not available**'
exit 1;
# Pasted from address bar on the appropriate Yahoo weather page #######
w3m -dump "$SITE" | sed -re \
'/^(\s+)?$/d;s/^(\s+)(.*)/\2/g;s/ °C/°/g;s/°/°C/g;/\[spacer\]/d;/• »/d'| \
grep -A23 'Current' > $FILE
# thanks Minio for part of this sed
# Set variables
ASOF=$(sed -n '1p' $FILE | sed "s/Current c/C/g;s/BST//g")
STATE=$(sed -n '2p' $FILE)
TEMP=$(sed -n '23p' $FILE)
FTEMP=$(sed -n '4p' $FILE)
HILO=$(sed -n '24p' $FILE)
PRSSR=$(sed -n '6p' $FILE | sed "s/,//g;s/\...//g")
VIS=$(sed -n '10p' $FILE)
DEW=$(sed -n '12p' $FILE)
WIND=$(sed -n '14p' $FILE | sed "s/km\/h/kph/g")
HMDT=$(sed -n '8p' $FILE)
UVIN=$(sed -n '15p' $FILE)" "$(sed -n '16p' $FILE)". Strength: "\
$(sed -n '18p' $FILE)
SUNRS=$(sed -ne 's: am::g;20p' $FILE | sed 's/ AM//g')
SUNST=$(sed -ne 's: pm::g;22p' $FILE | sed 's/ PM//g' |\
awk -F ':' '{print $1+12":"$2}')
SUNRSM=$(echo $SUNRS | awk -F ':' '{print $1*60+$2}') # Sunrs night/day
SUNSTM=$(echo $SUNST | awk -F ':' '{print $1*60+$2}') # Sunst night/day
CURM=$(date +%R | awk -F ':' '{print $1*60+$2}') # Current min night/day
# Determine and set icon symbol
seticonsymbol() {
if [ $CURM -gt $SUNRSM ] && [ $CURM -lt $SUNSTM ]; then
ICON=$1 # It's day, set first symbol as icon
ICON=$2 # It's night, set second symbol as icon
case "$STATE" in
'Sunny') seticonsymbol E O ;;
'Clear') seticonsymbol E O ;;
'Fair') seticonsymbol E O ;;
'Sunny/Windy') seticonsymbol E O ;;
'Clear/Windy') seticonsymbol E O ;;
'Fair/Windy') seticonsymbol E O ;;
'Windy') seticonsymbol w w ;;
'Partly Cloudy') seticonsymbol c m ;;
'Partly Cloudy and Windy') seticonsymbol c m ;;
'Partly Sunny') seticonsymbol b m ;;
'Mostly Clear') seticonsymbol b m ;;
'Partly Sunny/Windy') seticonsymbol b m ;;
'Mostly Clear/Windy') seticonsymbol b m ;;
'Mostly Sunny') seticonsymbol b m ;;
'Mostly Sunny/Windy') seticonsymbol b m ;;
'Scattered Clouds') seticonsymbol b m ;;
'Cloudy') seticonsymbol = n ;;
'Overcast') seticonsymbol d n ;;
'Cloudy/Windy') seticonsymbol = n ;;
'Overcast/Windy') seticonsymbol d n ;;
'Mostly Cloudy/Windy') seticonsymbol d n ;;
'Mostly Cloudy') seticonsymbol d n ;;
'Am Clouds / Pm Sun') seticonsymbol b O ;;
'Light Drizzle') seticonsymbol g q ;;
'Drizzle') seticonsymbol g q ;;
'Light Rain') seticonsymbol g q ;;
'Rain') seticonsymbol h r ;;
'Heavy Rain') seticonsymbol h r ;;
'Light Rain/Fog') seticonsymbol g q ;;
'Rain/Fog') seticonsymbol h r ;;
'Light Drizzle/Windy') seticonsymbol g q ;;
'Drizzle/Windy') seticonsymbol g q ;;
'Light Rain/Windy') seticonsymbol g q ;;
'Rain/Windy') seticonsymbol h r ;;
'Rain / Wind') seticonsymbol h r ;;
'Heavy Rain/Windy') seticonsymbol h r ;;
'AM Light Rain') seticonsymbol g q ;;
'PM Light Rain') seticonsymbol g q ;;
'Pm Light Rain') seticonsymbol g q ;;
'AM Light Rain/Windy') seticonsymbol g q ;;
'PM Light Rain/Windy') seticonsymbol g q ;;
'Rain Shower') seticonsymbol h r ;;
'Shower') seticonsymbol h r ;;
'Showers') seticonsymbol h r ;;
'Heavy Rain Shower') seticonsymbol h r ;;
'Heavy Rain Shower/Windy') seticonsymbol h r ;;
'Light Rain Shower') seticonsymbol h r ;;
'AM Shower') seticonsymbol h r ;;
'AM Showers') seticonsymbol h r ;;
'Am Showers') seticonsymbol h r ;;
'AM Showers / Wind') seticonsymbol h r ;;
'PM Shower') seticonsymbol h r ;;
'PM Showers / Wind') seticonsymbol h r ;;
'Few Showers / Wind') seticonsymbol h r ;;
'Showers / Wind') seticonsymbol h r ;;
'PM Showers') seticonsymbol h r ;;
'Pm Showers') seticonsymbol h r ;;
'Scattered Shower') seticonsymbol h r ;;
'Scattered Showers') seticonsymbol h r ;;
'Scatter Showers') seticonsymbol h r ;;
'Rain Shower/Windy') seticonsymbol h r ;;
'Shower/Windy') seticonsymbol h r ;;
'Light Rain Shower/Windy') seticonsymbol g q;;
'AM Shower/Windy') seticonsymbol h r ;;
'PM Shower/Windy') seticonsymbol h r ;;
'Scattered Shower/Windy') seticonsymbol h r ;;
'Scatter Showers / Wind') seticonsymbol h r ;;
'Few Showers') seticonsymbol h r ;;
'Few Showers/Windy') seticonsymbol h r ;;
'Showers in the Vicinity') seticonsymbol h r ;;
'Light Snow') seticonsymbol k u ;;
'Snow') seticonsymbol j t ;;
'Snow / Wind') seticonsymbol j t ;;
'Heavy Snow') seticonsymbol j t ;;
'Light Snow Pellets') seticonsymbol k u ;;
'Snow Pellets') seticonsymbol j t ;;
'Light Ice Pellets') seticonsymbol k u ;;
'Ice Pellets') seticonsymbol j t ;;
'Wintery Weather') seticonsymbol j t ;;
'Light Freezing Rain') seticonsymbol g q ;;
'Freezing Rain') seticonsymbol h r ;;
'Flurries/Windy') seticonsymbol j t ;;
'Light Flurries/Windy') seticonsymbol k u ;;
'Light Snow/Windy') seticonsymbol k u ;;
'Light Snow / Wind') seticonsymbol k u ;;
'Snow/Windy') seticonsymbol j t ;;
'Heavy Snow/Windy') seticonsymbol j t ;;
'Light Snow Pellets/Windy') seticonsymbol k u ;;
'Snow Pellets/Windy') seticonsymbol j t ;;
'Light Ice Pellets/Windy') seticonsymbol k u ;;
'Ice Pellets/Windy') seticonsymbol j t ;;
'Light Freezing Rain/Windy') seticonsymbol k u ;;
'Freezing Rain/Windy') seticonsymbol h r ;;
'Wintery Mix') seticonsymbol j t ;;
'Light Snow Grains') seticonsymbol k u ;;
'Snow Grains') seticonsymbol j t ;;
'Rain/Snow') seticonsymbol k u ;;
'Rain / Snow Showers') seticonsymbol k u ;;
'Rain / Snow') seticonsymbol k u ;;
'Rain / Thunder') seticonsymbol i p ;;
'Rain/Show/Windy') seticonsymbol k u ;;
'Rain / Snow / Wind') seticonsymbol k u ;;
'Light Rain/Freezing Rain') seticonsymbol g q ;;
'Rain/Freezing Rain') seticonsymbol h r ;;
'Light Rain/Freezing Rain/Windy') seticonsymbol g q ;;
'Rain/Freezing Rain/Windy') seticonsymbol h r ;;
'AM Snow') seticonsymbol j t ;;
'AM Snow') seticonsymbol j t ;;
'AM Light Snow') seticonsymbol k u ;;
'PM Light Snow') seticonsymbol k u ;;
'Ice Crystals') seticonsymbol j t ;;
'Ice Crystals/Windy') seticonsymbol j t ;;
'Snow Showers') seticonsymbol j t ;;
'Snow Shower') seticonsymbol j t ;;
'Heavy Snow Shower') seticonsymbol j t ;;
'Heavy Snow Shower/Windy') seticonsymbol j t ;;
'PM Snow Showers') seticonsymbol j t ;;
'AM Snow Showers') seticonsymbol j t ;;
'Rain/Snow Showers') seticonsymbol j t ;;
'Snow Showers/Windy') seticonsymbol j t ;;
'PM Snow Showers/Windy') seticonsymbol j t ;;
'AM Snow Showers/Windy') seticonsymbol j t ;;
'Rain/Snow Showers/Windy') seticonsymbol j t ;;
'Light Snow Showers') seticonsymbol k u ;;
'Light Snow Shower') seticonsymbol k u ;;
'Light Snow Showers/Windy') seticonsymbol k u ;;
'Flurries') seticonsymbol j t ;;
'Light Flurries') seticonsymbol k u ;;
'Scattered Flurries') seticonsymbol j t ;;
'Few Flurries') seticonsymbol k u ;;
'Few Flurries/Windy') seticonsymbol k u ;;
'Scattered Snow Showers') seticonsymbol j t ;;
'Scattered Snow Showers/Windy') seticonsymbol j t ;;
'Few Snow Showers') seticonsymbol k u ;;
'Few Snow Showers/Windy') seticonsymbol j t ;;
'Freezing Drizzle') seticonsymbol g q ;;
'Light Freezing Drizzle') seticonsymbol g q ;;
'Freezing Drizzle/Windy') seticonsymbol g q ;;
'Light Freezing Drizzle/Windy') seticonsymbol g q ;;
'Drifting Snow') seticonsymbol j t ;;
'Thunderstorms') seticonsymbol i s ;;
'T-storms') seticonsymbol i s ;;
'T-Storms') seticonsymbol i s ;;
'T-Storm') seticonsymbol i s ;;
'Scattered Thunderstorms') seticonsymbol i s ;;
'Scattered T-Storms') seticonsymbol i s ;;
'Thunderstorms/Windy') seticonsymbol i s ;;
'Scattered Thunderstorms/Windy') seticonsymbol i s ;;
'Rain/Thunder') seticonsymbol i s ;;
'Light Thunderstorms/Rain') seticonsymbol f p ;;
'Thunderstorms/Rain') seticonsymbol i s ;;
'Light Rain with Thunder') seticonsymbol f p ;;
'Rain with Thunder') seticonsymbol i s ;;
'Thunder in the Vicinity') seticonsymbol f p ;;
'Rain and Snow') seticonsymbol k u ;;
'Fog') seticonsymbol U V ;;
'Haze') seticonsymbol U V ;;
'Mist') seticonsymbol U V ;;
'Fog/Windy') seticonsymbol U V ;;
'Haze/Windy') seticonsymbol U V ;;
'Mist/Windy') seticonsymbol U V ;;
'Partial Fog') seticonsymbol U V ;;
'Smoke') seticonsymbol U V ;;
'Foggy') seticonsymbol U V ;;
'AM Fog/PM Sun') seticonsymbol U V ;;
'Shallow Fog') seticonsymbol U V ;;
'Blowing Dust') seticonsymbol v v ;;
'Blowing Sand') seticonsymbol v v ;;
'Duststorm') seticonsymbol v v ;;
'Wind') seticonsymbol w w ;;
'Widespread Dust/Windy') seticonsymbol v v ;;
'Widespread Dust') seticonsymbol v v ;;
'Low Drifting Sand') seticonsymbol v v ;;
'Data Not Available') seticonsymbol '?' '?' ;;
'N/A') seticonsymbol '?' '?' ;;
'N/a') seticonsymbol '?' '?' ;;
seticonsymbol '?' '?' ;;
# Set icon size #######
# Set icon symbol
[ -z $ICONSIZE ] && WEATHERFONT="weather" || WEATHERFONT="weather:size=$ICONSIZE"
TEMP2=$(echo "$TEMP" | sed "s/°C//g") # Temp w/out °C
if [ $TEMP2 -gt $HITEMP ]; then
elif [ $TEMP2 -lt $LOWTEMP ]; then
# Escape any forward slashes before the next sed operation.
STATE=$(echo "$STATE" | sed 's/\//\\\//g;s/ \/ /\\\//g')
# Transform FORMAT
FORMAT2=$(echo "$FORMAT" | \
sed "s/%STATEPL/$STATEPL/g;\
s/%TEMPICON/\${font $WEATHERFONT}$TEMPICON\${font}/g;\
s/%ICON/\${font $WEATHERFONT}$ICON\${font}/g")
# Return weather cast and remove temporary file
echo "$FORMAT2"
#rm -f $FILE
Rhythmbox progress bar script:
#!/bin/bash # Filename: rhythmbox-progbar # Author: robz # Version: 060412 # Provide data for Conky to draw a progress bar for Rhythmbox music player. # Update for Ubuntu 12.04 beta # Now at this present date (see Version:) the call to "rhythmbox-client" for # song duration doesn't appear to work anymore, so you get a divide by zero # error, so, to avoid the APOCALYPSE use this instead. DUR=$(qdbus org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.rhythmbox \ /org/mpris/MediaPlayer2 org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get \ org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player Metadata | awk '/length/ {print $2/1000000}') POS=$(qdbus org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.rhythmbox \ /org/mpris/MediaPlayer2 org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get \ org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player Position)/1000000 echo $(echo "100*$POS/$DUR" | bc) # Convert to percent.
Conky script section for Rhythmbox:
${color}${voffset -4}${color1}${hr}${color}${if_running rhythmbox}
Rhythmbox Playing:${color5}
${alignc}${exec rhythmbox-client --print-playing-format %tt}
${alignc}${exec rhythmbox-client --print-playing-format %aa}
${alignc}${exec rhythmbox-client --print-playing-format %at}
${execbar /home/robz1/.scripts/conky_scripts/progbar}
${voffset -4}${color1}${hr}${color}${else}
Rhythmbox Music:
${alignc}**Put Some Music On Rob!**
${color1}${voffset -4}${hr}${color}${endif}${font}
Guayadeque progress bar script:
#!/bin/bash # Filename: guayadeque-progbar # Author: robz # Version: 290611 # Provide data to allow conky to draw a progress bar for Guayadeque. # Something I noticed relevent to the preceding Rhythmbox script, is that it's # not nesessary to check for a running instance of the music player, Conky # already does that with the ${if_running} statment doh. # Get song duration and position from "q/dbus" - this will be in milliseconds. DUR=$(qdbus org.mpris.guayadeque /\ Player org.freedesktop.MediaPlayer.GetMetadata | awk '/mtime/ {print $2}') POS=$(dbus-send --print-reply --type=method_call --dest=org.mpris.guayadeque /\ Player org.freedesktop.MediaPlayer.PositionGet | awk '/int32/ {print $2}') echo $((100*POS/DUR)) # Convert to percent.
Conky script section for Guayadeque:
${color}${voffset -4}${color1}${hr}${color}${if_running guayadeque}
Guayadeque Now Playing:${color5}
${alignc}${exec qdbus org.mpris.guayadeque /\
Player org.freedesktop.MediaPlayer.GetMetadata | grep title | cut -f2- -d" "}
${alignc}${exec qdbus org.mpris.guayadeque /\
Player org.freedesktop.MediaPlayer.GetMetadata | grep artist | cut -f2- -d" "}
${execbar $HOME/.scripts/conky_scripts/guayadeque-progbar}
${voffset -5}${color1}${hr}${color}${else}
Guayadeque Music:
${alignc}**Put Some Music On Rob!**
${color1}${voffset -4}${hr}${color}${endif}${font}