# Conky configuration script. # Filename: .conkyrc3 # Version: 090712 # Author: robz # This config will give you a horizontal layout with a screen aspect ratio of # 16:9 sized for 1920 x 1080 pixels resolution monitor. # You'll need the lm-sensors psad & hddtemp packages from the repositories - # sudo apt-get install lm-sensors psad hddtemp - follow the setup procedures in # the man pages, you'll also need my rhythmbox-progbar script see below. # The hard drive names and locations will probably need to be changed to suit # your PC as will the lm-sensors cpu and motherboard temperatue names, and maybe # the name of your network interface as well :) # The call to the port scan attack detector (psad) will require user read/write # access to /var/log/psad/top_attackers, do this in a terminal with: # "sudo chmod 660 /var/log/psad/top_attackers" # To start, in a terminal - conky -d -c "path to conkyrc3" # Or as a startup application - conky -d -p15 -c "path to conkyrc3" # OK here - we - go! # Locale, fonts and font sizes. use_xft yes xftfont Droid Sans:size=9 override_utf8_locale yes # Conky performance update_interval 2 total_run_times 0 double_buffer yes no_buffers yes net_avg_samples 2 text_buffer_size 1024 top_name_width 10 # Execute it in its own window own_window yes own_window_transparent yes own_window_type override own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager # Font colors default_color 666666 # mid grey # Header colors color0 FFFF66 # pale yellow # Minimum dimensions minimum_size 1700 0 default_bar_size 100 10 default_graph_size 100 10 # Conky positioning, roughly centred. alignment bottom_left gap_x 130 gap_y 5 ########### Stuff after "TEXT" will appear onscreen ########################### # TEXT ${goto 15}${font Ubuntu:style=Bold:size=20}${color0}ubuntu ${font}\ ${kernel}${font Droid Sans:size=10}\ ${goto 256}Memory & Disks:\ ${goto 560}Network:\ ${goto 785}PSAD - Top Attackers:\ ${goto 960}Temperatures:\ ${goto 1130}Top Processes:\ ${goto 1330}Activity:\ ${goto 1530}Music:${font}${color}${voffset 5} # ########### End of headings line ############################################## # ${goto 15}${if_match ${cpu cpu0} > 50}CPU: Grafting!${goto 100}${color red}\ ${cpubar cpu0}${color} ${cpu cpu0}%${else}CPU Average:${goto 100}\ ${cpubar cpu0} ${cpu cpu0}%${endif}\ ${goto 256}Flash SSD:${goto 330}${fs_used /}\ ${goto 380}${fs_bar /} ${fs_size /}\ ${goto 560}Upspeed:\ ${goto 635}${upspeedgraph ppp0 10,100 B7B2AD 0099FF} ${upspeed ppp0}\ ${goto 785}${execi 60 echo $(PSAD="/var/log/psad/top_attackers";\ grep -v "^#" "$PSAD" | sort -rnk3 -o "$PSAD"; awk 'NR==1 {print $1}' "$PSAD")}\ ${goto 910}${execi 60 echo $(\ awk 'NR==1 {print $3}' "/var/log/psad/top_attackers")}\ ${goto 960}CPU Temp:\ ${goto 1070}${execi 10 echo $(sensors | grep -m 1 'CPUTIN:' | cut -c16-17)°C}\ ${goto 1130}${top name 1}${goto 1220}${top pid 1}${goto 1260}${top cpu 1}%\ ${goto 1330}Processes:${goto 1425}${running_processes} Running\ ${goto 1530}${if_running rhythmbox}Rhythmbox Now Playing:\ ${else}Put Some Music On Rob!${endif} # ########### End of first line ################################################# # ${goto 15}${if_match ${cpu cpu1} > 70}Core 1: on fire!${goto 100}${color red}\ ${cpubar cpu1}${color} ${cpu cpu1}%${else}Core 1:${goto 100}\ ${cpubar cpu1} ${cpu cpu1}%${endif}\ ${goto 256}Archive:${goto 330}${fs_used /media/Archive}\ ${goto 380}${fs_bar /media/Archive} ${fs_size /media/Archive}\ ${goto 560}Downspeed:\ ${goto 635}${downspeedgraph ppp0 10,100 B7B2AD FF0000} ${downspeed ppp0}\ ${goto 785}${execi 60 echo $(\ awk 'NR==2 {print $1}' "/var/log/psad/top_attackers")}\ ${goto 910}${execi 60 echo $(\ awk 'NR==2 {print $3}' "/var/log/psad/top_attackers")}\ ${goto 960}Motherboard:\ ${goto 1070}${execi 30 echo $(sensors | grep -m 1 'SYSTIN:' | cut -c16-17)°C}\ ${goto 1130}${top name 2}${goto 1220}${top pid 2}${goto 1260}${top cpu 2}%\ ${goto 1330}Load Average: ${goto 1425}${loadavg}\ ${goto 1530}${if_running rhythmbox}\ ${exec rhythmbox-client --print-playing-format %tt}${endif} # ########### End of second line ################################################ # ${goto 15}${if_match ${cpu cpu2} > 70}Core 2: on fire!${goto 100}${color red}\ ${cpubar cpu2}${color} ${cpu cpu2}%${else}Core 2:${goto 100}\ ${cpubar cpu2} ${cpu cpu2}%${endif}\ ${goto 256}Backup:${goto 330}${fs_used /media/Backup}\ ${goto 380}${fs_bar /media/Backup} ${fs_size /media/Backup}\ ${goto 560}Totals:${goto 635}${totalup ppp0} - ${totaldown ppp0}${font}\ ${goto 785}${execi 60 echo $(\ awk 'NR==3, NF && !/#/ {print $1}' "/var/log/psad/top_attackers")}\ ${goto 910}${execi 60 echo $(\ awk 'NR==3 {print $3}' "/var/log/psad/top_attackers")}\ ${goto 960}Archive 1TB Drive:\ ${goto 1070}${execi 60 nc localhost 7634 | cut -c81-82}°C\ ${goto 1130}${top name 3}${goto 1220}${top pid 3}${goto 1260}${top cpu 3}%\ ${goto 1330}Flash SDD I/O:${goto 1425}${diskio /dev/sda}/s\ ${goto 1530}${if_running rhythmbox}By: \ ${exec rhythmbox-client --print-playing-format %aa}${endif} # ########### End of third line ################################################# # ${goto 15}${if_match ${cpu cpu3} > 70}Core 3: on fire!${goto 100}${color red}\ ${cpubar cpu3}${color} ${cpu cpu3}%${else}Core 3:${goto 100}\ ${cpubar cpu3} ${cpu cpu3}%${endif}\ ${goto 256}Ram:${goto 330}${memmax}${goto 380}${membar 10,100} $memperc%\ ${goto 560}Today:${goto 635}${execi 120 vnstat -i ppp0 | \ awk '/today/{print $8 $9}'}\ ${goto 785}${execi 60 echo $(\ awk 'NR==4 {print $1}' "/var/log/psad/top_attackers")}\ ${goto 910}${execi 60 echo $(\ awk 'NR==4 {print $3}' "/var/log/psad/top_attackers")}\ ${goto 960}Backup 1TB Drive:\ ${goto 1070}${execi 60 nc localhost 7634 | cut -c53-54}°C\ ${goto 1130}${top name 4} ${goto 1220}${top pid 4}${goto 1260}${top cpu 4}%\ ${goto 1330}Archive I/O:${goto 1425}${diskio /dev/sdc}/s\ ${goto 1530}${if_running rhythmbox}From: \ ${alignc}${exec rhythmbox-client --print-playing-format %at}${endif} # ########### End of forth line ################################################# # ${goto 15}${if_match ${cpu cpu4} > 70}Core 4: on fire!${goto 100}${color red}\ ${cpubar cpu4}${color} ${cpu cpu4}%${else}Core 4:${goto 100}\ ${cpubar cpu4} ${cpu cpu4}%${endif}\ ${goto 256}Swap:${goto 330}${swapmax}\ ${goto 380}${swapbar 10,100} ${swapperc}%\ ${goto 560}Month:${goto 635}${execi 120 vnstat -m -i ppp0| \ awk '/'$(date +"%b")'/{print $9 $10}'}\ ${goto 785}${execi 60 echo $(\ awk 'NR==5 {print $1}' "/var/log/psad/top_attackers")}\ ${goto 910}${execi 60 echo $(\ awk 'NR==5 {print $3}' "/var/log/psad/top_attackers")}\ ${goto 960}Graphics Card:${goto 1070}${nvidia temp}°C\ ${goto 1130}${top name 5}${goto 1220}${top pid 5}${goto 1260}${top cpu 5}%\ ${goto 1330}Backup I/O:${goto 1425}${diskio /dev/sdb}/s\ ${goto 1530}${if_running rhythmbox}\ ${execbar /home/robz1/Scripts/conky_scripts/rhythmbox-progbar}${endif} # ########### End of fifth line and this configuration ########################## #
Progress Bar Script.
#!/bin/bash # Filename: rhythmbox-progbar # Author: robz # Version: 060412 # Provide data for Conky to draw a progress bar for Rhythmbox music player. # Update for Ubuntu 12.04 beta # Now at this present date (see Version:) the call to "rhythmbox-client" for # song duration doesn't appear to work anymore, you get a "divide by zero" # error, so, to avoid the APOCALYPSE! use this instead. DUR=$(qdbus org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.rhythmbox \ /org/mpris/MediaPlayer2 org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get \ org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player Metadata | awk '/length/ {print $2/1000000}') POS=$(qdbus org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.rhythmbox \ /org/mpris/MediaPlayer2 org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get \ org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player Position)/1000000 echo $(echo "100*$POS/$DUR" | bc) # Convert to percent.
Desktop Screenshot.
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