Mint Serena 64 bit using the Mate desktop environment. Most of the following scripts will run on this machine, although some have only been tested with the Gnome desktop. Extra software requirements can be met by the Ubuntu and safe PPA repositories. Scripts may be re-written or added to from time to time, the date serves as the version number. Syntax highlighting on these pages is provided by GVim's "Convert to HTML" option.

Quick n' Dirty MPG>ISO>DISK

# Filename: qd-dvd
# Version: 061111
# Author: robz
# Quick n' dirty single "movie.mpg" to "dvd.iso" to dvdrw/dvdr disk.
# The "movie.mpg" will need to be a dvd compatible file, eg with ffmpeg the
# "-target" switch will be required with pal-dvd or ntsc-dvd or film-dvd set.
# Script will overwrite rw disks without asking so make sure you have the
# right disk in your drive, in my case that drive is /dev/sr0 yours may be
# different.
# Make the script executable and chuck it in the "nautilus-scripts" directory.
# Usage: Insert a disk, right-click file to burn > Scripts > qd-dvd.

trap "killall -q dvdauthor genisoimage growisofs; rm -rf 'tmp-files'; \
exit" INT TERM EXIT                                     # Clean on exit/error.

author_it ()
echo -e "\033[1m\E[37mWorking on - $MOVIE"              # Colour the headings.
echo -e "\033[1m\E[36mCreating the DVD file structure\033[0m\E[37m"
nice -n 19 dvdauthor -o tmp-files -t $MOVIE && \
echo -e "\033[1m\E[34mSuccessfully created file structure"
echo -e "\033[1m\E[36m\nFinalize the structure\033[0m\E[37m"
VIDEO_FORMAT=PAL nice -n 19 dvdauthor -o tmp-files -T && \
echo -e "\033[1m\E[34mFile Structure finalized"

iso_it ()
MOVIE=${MOVIE%.mpg}.iso                                 # Change extension.
echo -e "\033[1m\E[36m\nCreating $MOVIE\033[0m\E[37m\
\nThis may take a while, please wait...."
nice -n 19 genisoimage -quiet -V "DVD" -o "$MOVIE" -dvd-video tmp-files && \
tput cuu1; tput el; \
echo -e "\033[1m\E[34mISO created successfully\n\033[0m\E[37m"

burn_it ()
if ! udisks --show-info /dev/sr0 | grep "media: *optical_dvd_plus_r"; then
    echo -e "\033[1m\E[33mOOPS\033[1m\E[37m"
    echo -e "No writeable disk! Burn created .iso later eh. \033[1m\E[34m"
    read -p "Hit a key to exit" -n1; exit
    tput cuu1; tput el; tput cuu1
    echo -e "\033[1m\E[36m\nBurning $MOVIE\033[0m\E[37m"
    echo "This may take a while, please wait....       "
    nice -n 19 growisofs -quiet -dvd-compat -Z /dev/sr0="$MOVIE"\
    -use-the-force-luke=notray -use-the-force-luke=tty  # My drive sr0, yours?
    if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then                             # Did it burn OK?
        echo -e "\033[1m\E[32m$MOVIE burned - job done - Bye! \n\033[1m\E[36m"
        rm "$MOVIE"                                     # Clean up iso file.
    else echo -e "\033[1m\E[31mERROR\033[1m\E[37m burn failed"
sleep 2
eject -r sr0; read -t10 -p "Remove disk and hit a key to exit";

export -f author_it; export -f iso_it; export -f burn_it; export MOVIE="$1"

gnome-terminal --title="Quick n' Dirty MPG>ISO>DISK" \
--geometry=85x55+0+25 -x bash -c "tput civis; author_it; iso_it; burn_it"

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